Tuesday, March 25, 2008

DRAWING # 4: PROJECT 1 :initial impact of chandelier w hard ground surface (boy landing in water)

This image is sectioned out from the rest of the work for the same momentary glipmse reasons as the image below. This shows the kinnetic forces from the falling Chandelier and the reactionary forces from the ground surface. I've used light dotted lines to show the downward direction of the gravitational forces, i feel these light dots don't represent anything physical so they best indicate the non physical gravitational force. The centre of impact has solid short lines with arrow heads, I feel these best represent a physical movement, so they best show the physical impact and reactionary kinetic forces. The 'Dot-Dash' lines with Diamond and Circle tips represent the kinetic forces of the objects within the Chandelier once the reactionary forces from the impact had been applied. The Diamonds and Circles represent the focused energies and and actual physical force presence of the shattered fragments of the Chandelier after impact.

DRAWING 4 :chandelier beginning to fall from ceilling (boy jumping from waterfall)

in this drawing i've sectioned the top of the image(chandelier) from the rest of the page to give it a more momentary glimpse feeling, the dotted lines below better show the kinnetic forces of the downward movement of the fall direction.

DRAWING 4 : VERSION 2-all line weights set to defult-its just too dense.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

DRAWING 3: force sketches. -all these sketches portray the forces various moving objects were creating.

This series of images show Kinnetic forces of serveral objects.

DRAWING 3: force sketches part 2.

These two images show a series of force sketches we made. the first is the potential energy of a body moving positions-the longer in a position, the darker the shade. The second is based on the same principal and applied to our tutors movement from person to person.

DRAWING 3-describe the use of force. (in Len Lyes work)

LEN LYES' WORK IN ONE ADJECTIVE: for me the first word that comes to mind is 'RAW'. This 'raw' use of force is highlighted in his use of kinnetic energy. To me the violent and large scale movements in is his works such as the 'Wind Wand', 'Water Whirler' and his demonstrations on the UTube post, posess such an untamed release and use of kinettic energy that the only way to describe it is 'raw'.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Len Lye-use of force. The use of pure kinnetic energy in these works fascinated me.

Lyes' work for me holds a very 'raw' aspect. The almost violent nature in several of his pieces appealed to me.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lebbeus Woods-use of force

Woods' images show a huge amount of tension. The linear and planar contrasts are heavy and almost appear out of balance from the rest of the image. I like this unbalanced aspect of his work.

Drawing 2: excercise 4-Boolean operations. These allowed a totally different view on an otherwise finished image. I enjoyed this aspect.

This Boolean image has an organic nature to it, the three functions create satisfying, quick and interesting features.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

DRAWING 2: excerise 3- (version 2)approximate reconstruction of Architekton by Kazimir Malevich/ version 2. Rotated slightly and a piece added.

DRAWING 2: excerise 3-approximate reconstruction of Architekton by Kazimir Malevich.

Using Rhino was quite satisfying as the images were brought into a solid 3D form quickly and easily. This recreated image show how Rhino could prove a handy tool to quickly bring to life an idea.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

DRAWING 1: exercise 2: 3D Shared machine

This is an exploded image of a combination of all our various machine parts from the home blog. We experimented with the 3D side of the CAD program for this drawing, taking our single machine parts and combining and manipulating them with a 3D rotate. To begin with these were a bit of a nightmare but became easier with time.

DRAWING 1: Daniel Libeskind-using 3D spaces

Libeskinds' work fascinates me. Although linear, his images are complex and extend into 3D.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

DRAWING 1: exercise1-single machine part.

These cogs are recreations from the home blog. they are the first dealings with Cad we had. Once I had sussed the basics these images were quick to construct. The variations in line thickeness create solid definitions between parts.